Hopeful Action – A Handbook for Community-led Climate Transitions, intends to make climate change a less wicked problem by building knowledge and capacity, determining where there are solutions, and sharing how to take action.
It provides clear explanations for why community action is vital in the transition, and outlines easy to understand methodologies from leading communities that are taking action and how to make them useful in your community’s unique context.
Authored by Taryn Lane who has worked in community climate action for 15 years, and with inputs from collaborators such as Saul Griffith and Renew and dozens of community case studies. It is a digestible tool for a wide range of people, from early adopters to those newly considering how to take action best.
Community-led transitions are about community members coming together collaboratively to identify goals and implement plans to tackle climate change in a way that builds on community strengths. It is also about what they can do at home and in their workplace.
Download here: https://issuu.com/communityclimateaction/docs/hopeful_action_digital