Backyard Beekeeping for Beginners
Coburg Library, Cnr Victoria and Louisa Street, Coburg VIC Australia
Tuesday 21 March, 7:00pm - 8:30pm
More info/register:
Have you been thinking about keeping bees but don’t know where to start? Bees play a key role in pollination which is vital for the survival of most of our Australian wildflowers and many of our food crop plants!
In this workshop, Robert from Bee Sustainable will give participants a basic understanding of bee behaviour, establishing and managing a hive, and the items that make up a bee hive and their construction. There will be live bees and honeycomb to look at in a secure exhibition cabinet during the discussion of bee behaviour and hive management. The workshop will also cover the equipment a beekeeper needs to work with bees, key tasks in spring, honey extraction and swarm control.
No experience is necessary to attend. This My Smart Garden workshop is proudly presented by Merri-bek City Council