Image: Nightingale 2.0, enabled by HIP V. HYPE, Architecture by Six Degrees Architects. Photography by Tess Kelly
On Friday 26 August, federal and state Building Ministers agreed to national reforms to make new homes more comfortable, liveable, accessible and energy efficient.
The ministers agreed to increase the minimum energy standard for new homes from 6 to 7 stars and introduce an energy budget to encourage energy efficient appliances. These are the most substantial energy upgrades to the National Construction Code in 12 years.
Merri-bek led advocacy for these reforms in partnership with 36 other councils across Australia, through Climate Emergency Australia.
The reforms will mean lower energy bills, healthy, resilient and safe homes for Australians and an easy and low-cost way to meet Australia’s commitment to achieve net zero emissions.
The States and Territories will bring the majority of NCC 2022 into full effect from 1 May 2023, to allow industry time to learn and adapt to the new requirements.
Work is still needed to reform the planning system to elevate environmental sustainable design targets.
This will continue to be a key advocacy priority for Merri-bek, the Council Alliance for a Sustainable Built Environment (CASBE) and our 23 partner councils.