As part of our goal for a Zero Carbon Merri-bek, Merri-bek City Council will be running a public communications campaign encouraging all homes and businesses to transition to all-electric.
All-electric buildings are safe, healthy and part of a clean energy future.
The Electrify Everything: Communications Message Guide for Households guide is based on qualitative market research we undertook to inform our communications campaign for homes and businesses to be powered by electricity. The guidance aims to ensure our campaign resonates with residents.
Key recommendations
- Support the transition. Share resources that help people install solar, buy electric appliances, access available rebates and learn more about the benefits of electrification.
- Be careful with savings-based messaging. People may dismiss cost-based messages, based on the difficulty of making comparisons.
- Don’t focus on environmental benefit. It’s not a broad lever for behaviour change with the general public.
- Do focus on the inevitability of electrification. Highlight the inevitability and exciting opportunity of going all-electric.
- Do talk about health and safety
- Do celebrate renewable energy which is widely supported.
The guide came from a working group made up of the Northern Alliance for Greenhouse Action (NAGA), Western Alliance for Greenhouse Action (WAGA), Brimbank City Council, Darebin City Council, Yarra City Council and Merri-bek City Council.
We thank them for their support and input into this guide.
Join the Council Community of Practice
We will continue the Council working group as a community of practice to share ideas and learnings from rolling out “All Electric” campaigns by Councils.
If you are interested in joining the Council Community of Practice tick the box when you download the guide or email: