The Mulberry Community Garden Glenroy welcomes all to learn how to grow fruit and vegetables.
This shared community garden aims to combine the talents of many to achieve their goals of growing food and building community. The garden runs as a true community garden – not allotments – which means people share the produce and sections of garden to tend.
Flower Jogiya-Mitchell became the treasurer of the club after discovering it through a garden ‘crawl’ organised by the long-standing Broadmeadows and District Garden Club.
With a small but growing membership of all ages – from 20 to 80 – the group hopes one day to have enough active members to be able to provide produce boxes to those less fortunate. But in the meantime, they’re enjoying the fruit of their labours themselves. This month: organic broccoli, cauliflower, garlic, herbs and seedlings ready in their new greenhouse for spring planting.
Compost is supplied by Merri-bek Council through the fortnightly food and garden organics (FOGO) collections made from households in the community (the bins with the light green lids).
Mulberry Community Garden Glenroy is by Glenroy College at 120 Glenroy Road
Glenroy. You can visit the garden on Saturdays between 11am – 1pm or contact the team on www.mcgg.com.au to make a time to visit.
New members are very welcome.
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Your food and garden waste becomes food for Moreland’s Community Gardens.