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New wildlife refuge in Merri-bek

By August 7, 2023No Comments
Growling Grass Frog on log

We’re lucky to have significant remnant vegetation and large tracts of revegetated areas in Merri-bek, particularly along the creek corridors. Merri-bek is also home to one of Australia’s last communities of ground-dwelling Growling Grass Frog. Once abundant across south-eastern Australia, Growling Grass Frogs are now listed as Vulnerable nationally, but they still live in pockets of the Merri Creek!

The recently completed Moomba Park Wetland in Fawkner is a new wetland for the Growling Grass Frog.

Wetlands in urban areas

Wetlands are an important part of our neighbourhoods and provide a wide range of benefits. They are home to aquatic wildlife and many other non-human animals such as bugs, insects, invertebrates, waterbirds and reptiles. They enhance health and diversity of local plants that also help increase natural cooling across the city. The Moomba Park Wetlands also treat stormwater from local streets so that our natural waterways are healthier and cleaner.

Moomba Park Wetland is a key part of our Council’s Integrated Water Management Strategy 2040, reflecting our commitment to healthy waterways and sustainable habitats.

It also aligns with the Merri-bek’s Nature Plan, highlighting ongoing land restoration and revegetation efforts for a greener future. These initiatives, in collaboration with our community groups and project funding partner, Melbourne Water, support the preservation of endangered species and a thriving environment.

Come visit

 Moomba Park Wetland has walking tracks, a viewing platform and signage about the ecology of the wetlands and local biodiversity. It’s the perfect spot to connect with nature.

 You could take a weekend bike ride along the Merri Creek Trail, or Bus 530 Campbellfield Plaza – Coburg via Fawkner passes less than 500m from the Wetlands.

Read more

Securing the southern populations of the Growling Grass Frog in the Merri Catchment

We love our waterways!