We’ve finished off the school year with two Open Streets at our Ride & Stride schools!
At both Coburg North Primary School and Brunswick East Primary School we opened a section of street outside the school gates to children on foot, bike or scooter during drop off and pick up times. For two Fridays at Coburg North, and a whole week at Brunswick East, children enjoyed safely riding or striding to school, safe from the usual car traffic, pollution and congestion.
More students riding, walking and scooting
We saw an average of 75% of students travel actively and sustainably to each school over the trial days, with many children, parents and residents wanting to see more regular Open Streets.
By trialling a small stretch of traffic-free space on journeys to and from school, we are testing, monitoring, and evaluating street space initiatives that prioritise safe, sustainable, and healthy travel for our road’s youngest users
Open Streets finalist in the 2021 VicHealth Promotion Awards
Our first Open Streets pilot held earlier this year with Bicycle Network has also been announced as a finalist in the 2021 VicHealth Promotion Awards!
The Victorian Health Promotion Awards are a chance to celebrate the amazing work organisations and individuals do to improve the health and wellbeing of people in Victoria, and we are thrilled that Open Streets has been recognised!