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A best-practice community hub for Glenroy

By May 23, 2022No Comments
People drumming in building courtyard

Merri-bek City Council recently celebrated the opening of its state-of-the-art community centre as part of Glenroy Festival.

As Australia’s first passive house public building, the Glenroy Community Hub generates 20% more electricity than it consumes and stays comfortable year-round – even through winter!

The Hub has a contemporary public library, kindergarten, maternal child health, prayer and meditation rooms, a community health provider, neighbourhood learning centre and childcare.

Leading by example

Completed in early 2022, the project demonstrates our community and sustainability leadership and is part of our action on climate change.

We hope this building will become a demonstration project for other councils and public institutions throughout Australia.

Best-practice sustainable design

Designed to the Living Building Challenge Petal certification, Glenroy Community Hub has an emphasis on gardening, greenery and community.

Through landscape design, raingardens, traps and a detention basin help stop stormwater run-off and pollution going into local waterways. The learning centre supports volunteers to manage the community garden and encourages other locals to get involved.

The project is a net positive energy building, with its energy needs met via solar panels and battery storage. An underground rainwater tank reduces mains water use and provides water for flushing toilets and watering the garden. Sustainable transport initiatives include bike parks and showers and changing facilities for staff, and electric vehicle charging spots.

Watch a short video about the Hub.

Read out more about the Hub’s sustainability initiatives.

Find out more about the Hub’s services.