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Reusable Nappy Workshop – 8 September 2021

By August 10, 2021August 12th, 2021No Comments


Reusable Nappy Workshop – 8 September 2021

When (online session)

Wednesday 08 September, 7:30pm - 9:00pm

More info/register:

Morelanders, come and learn everything you need to know to get started with reusable nappies!

Have you thought about making the switch to cloth nappies but are unsure where to start?

Elana from Cloth Nappy Workshops, Melbourne will take you through the benefits of cloth nappies and dispel any myths. In this 1.5 hour workshop, you will discover the world of modern cloth nappies. Elana will take you through how to wash them, where to buy them and what to look for. She will cover washing tips, dispel all those myths, show the different styles of modern cloth and most importantly an opportunity to ask questions to get you confident with cloth. This is a comprehensive introduction to cloth nappies, and suits both expectant parents, and those who already have children in nappies.

The presentation covers the benefits of cloth nappies (environmental, economical, etc.), the different styles (fitteds, pockets, AI2s, prefolds etc), how to wash them, and hacks to make cloth super easy.

You’ll be able to ask Elana questions and be shown a wide variety of cloth nappies, but also other reusables such as ‘pull ups’, swim nappies and cloth wipes.

This event is open to residents of the city of Moreland. The cost of attending a workshop is $ 20.00 per person plus GST for General Admission or $13.00 plus GST for Concession Card holders.

Each attendee will also receive a Zero Waste gift to help you on your cloth nappy journey.

Refunds will not be given within 48 hours of the event.

Be quick because workshops are limited to 20 people. The Zoom link will be sent to you via email just prior to the event.

Hope to see you there!

More info:
For questions relating to booking please contact Michelle Hobson at Merri-bek City Council on 03 9240 1111 or via

Click here to download the brochure.

To find out more about the cloth nappy workshop content you can visit Cloth Nappy Workshops Melbourne on social media:
Facebook group: