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Sustainability programs for Merri-bek Schools in 2022

By March 17, 2022No Comments
Students learning about sustainability

Did you know that Council provides FREE incursions on a range of sustainability topics for schools and kinders in Moreland?

Topics covered range from water cycles, ecosystems, climate change and recycling.

Sign up to one of the programs below.

CERES incursions and excursions

CERES educators will guide students through problem solving and action planning. Students will be shown opportunities to create change within their school community and explore solutions to increase sustainability at school or home.

All of CERES’ incursions, excursions and virtual excursions link directly to the Victorian Curriculum.

Programs include:

  • Caring for climate and change (years 3 to 10): excursion, incursion or virtual excursion options available
  • Exploring ecosystems (years Foundation to 10): excursion, incursion or virtual excursion options available
  • Towards zero waste (years Foundation to 10): excursion, incursion or virtual excursion options available
  • Farming our future (years Foundation to 10): excursion, incursion or virtual excursion options available
  • Water cycles and solutions (years 3 to 10): excursion, incursion or virtual excursion options available

You can email to make a booking. The cost of the session will be subsidised by Council, this does not include the cost for bus hire for excursions. Please remember to book in your bus hire at the time of making your excursion booking.

Water and biodiversity sessions

Merri Creek Management Committee can provide sessions that teach students about the native flora and fauna of the Merri Creek catchment.

Topics available include Waterwatch, Indigenous Gardens, Habitat Surveys, Food Webs, Stormwater and more.

For more information about the topics available for different year levels, visit the Merri Creek Management Committee website. Both incursions and excursions are available (schools must book their own transport). For bookings email or call 9380 8199.

Waste and recycling education sessions:

Envirocom can provide a range of in-person or online waste education sessions which are designed to teach students about how waste and recycling impact our environment, and how they can reduce waste at home and at school.

Six different sessions are available including Reduce  Reuse Recycle, Litter Detectives, Nude Food, Worms and Composting, Waste Wise Shopping and Waste Audits.

All sessions can be adapted for preschool to year 10 students. For more information and bookings email

More information

If you would like to know more, or to book in for a free session, please visit the Resources for education professionals page on our website.

In addition to the incursion information you will find links to documents which list a huge range of resources and programs on sustainability which have been arranged by year level for ease of use.