Coburg Community Garden Festival
Friday 01 - Sunday 03 December, 9:00am - 4:30pm
More info/register:
Over 3 fantastic days in December (1st-3rd) we will be opening our Community Gardens and bringing people together to share skills and knowledge and learn more about growing food, creating spaces for native plants and animals, using water wisely and reducing waste. There will be a range of activities on offer including a program of free workshops/events (bookings essential), offered across multiple sites around Coburg,
This event is coordinated by NECCHi Newlands and East Coburg Neighbourhood Houses and Reynard Street Neighbourhood House and is proudly supported by Merri-bek Council as part of the My Smart Garden program.
Participating Partner Community Organisations/Groups:
Coburg Common
Coburg Farmers Market
NECCHi East Coburg Neighbourhood House
CERES Joe’s Market Garden
Merri Creek Management Committee
Merri Myrnong Community Garden
NECCHi Newlands Neighbourhood House – Wayi Community Garden
Pentridge Community Garden
Reynard Street Neighbourhood House
Walsh Street Waste Knot Composting Project
The Coburg Community Garden Festival will showcase the wonderful work carried out in each community garden to support a stronger community and local food system, increase visibility, promote engagement, and above all, celebrate our shared passion for community, food and gardening.
We look forward to welcoming you to this community event.
Download the festival map and program here. To register for a workshop or event, click on the listing in the table below or go to www.mysmartgarden.org.au/events
(*no registration required for these events)