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Upgrade to Induction Cooking

By June 17, 2022April 8th, 2024No Comments
Induction cooktop with suacepan

Induction stovetops are a healthy, safe choice for cooking in your home.

According to the National Asthma Council, “Scientists have found that around 12 per cent of childhood asthma in Australia can be attributed to the use of gas stoves for cooking.” with recent studies comparing gas cooking with smoking indoors.

Luckily, making the switch to induction is relatively straightforward.

The benefits of induction

Unlike conventional electric hotplates, induction cooktops are fast, responsive and energy efficient.

They’re safer than gas because there’s no open flame, the electro-magnetism heats the cookware, not the stove itself, you can typically set cook times (so if you forget, it switches off), and residual heat indicators let you know when the hotplates are safe to touch. Induction cooktops are also much easier to clean than the grooves and furrows of a gas stovetop.

Electro-magnetic technology is used in induction cooktops, so they do need cookware with a ferrous base. Most new cookware will work on induction, but glass, aluminium and copper cookware is not suitable.

Choosing the right cooktop for your needs

Induction cooktops typically come in 4 to 6 burner options that can be slotted into a benchtop or fitted into the location of your old gas stovetop.

Not-for-profit Renew has a mini buyers guide that shows you what size and controls to look for, installation and power requirements, and more. Choice also has a buyers guide where they have lab tested and reviewed current models.

Portable induction cooktops

You can also buy single or twin plate induction cooktops that can be placed on top of a benchtop and plugged into a power point.

These can be a good option for renters, smaller households, for additional hotplates, or where you’re considering a move to induction but want to trial the technology first. Portable models are typically priced between $50 and $250.

Try an induction cooktop for free!

Did you know you can now borrow induction cooktops from our libraries?

Watch this video to learn more about the cooktop before you borrow one. There are 5 available for loan.

You will need to be a Merri-bek library member to reserve a cooktop, so have your library card ready.

Installation and power requirements

If you’re moving from gas to induction you will need an electrician to put in a dedicated electric circuit, but if you’re planning to take your home all-electric, this may be a good opportunity to discuss what other upgrades your home might need to accommodate the required capacity.

The My Efficient Electric Home facebook community is a wealth of knowhow and practical tips to help you on the journey.

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